Ads and Signs
Signs are an integral part of any urban scene, from small handbills to building-spanning posters, any reasonably flat surface is likely to bear some message, if only a company or building name. The images on this page are ones from Japan which I’ve found online that were creative-commons licensed or public domain. Click on the image for a link to the original if one exists.
Many other signs are available online, but all too often the photographer felt the need to copyright them. It’s still reasonable to use them to decorate a model railroad (that’s pretty obviously “fair use” under most versions of the law), but I won’t link any of those here.
Subway and Train Station Advertisements

“Stop Violence” subway sign
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: Leonard Chien

Music player ad
Location: Akihabara, Tōkyō
Photographer: soloakewlstick

Album ad (2008)
Location: Harajuku, Tōkyō
Photographer: jpellgen

Kirin Beer ad
Location: Ashiya
Photographer: kimubert

Beverage ad
Location: Kamata Station, Tōkyō
Photographer: toyohara

Troy ad (2004)
Location: Shibuya, Tōkyō
Photographer: kara brugman

JR Employment ad
Location: Shinagawa, Tōkyō
Photographer: RageZ

Suica/Softbank ad, with celebrity
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: Straws pulled at random

My First Aomori (train ad)
Location: Hirosaki, Aomori
Photographer: jpellgen

Docomo ad
Location: Hirosaki, Aomori
Photographer: jpellgen

Navitime ad
Location: “Japan”
Photographer: JackBunny

Softbank ad
Location: Shibuya, Tōkyō
Photographer: jpellgen

Semiconductor ad
Location: Shijo, Kyoto
Photographer: Mshades

Suntory liver-cleaning beverage ad
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: Nemo’s great uncle

TV ad
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: bopo

Nescafe ad with celebrity
Location: Kobe, Japan
Photographer: Mshades

Hair ad
Location: Harajuku, Tōkyō
Photographer: Allergic to Work

Music ad
Location: Shibuya, Tōkyō
Photographer: Yohei Yamashita

Docomo Style (phone ad)
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: williacw

“No drugs” poster
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: schnuth

unclear what this is about
Location: Tōkyō
Photographer: omgpvd